Gulfstream V


Wifi Coverage
Tail Number: N416RJ
Year Manufactured: 1999
Interior Remodel Year: 2018
Exterior Remodel Year: 2004
Baggage Space Ft3: 226
Range NM: 6674
Air Speed KT: 450
Base Airport: KPBI
Base State: FL
Cabin Height: 6' 1"
Cabin Width: 7' 3"
Cabin Length: 50' 10"
Aircraft Type: Heavy
Interior Amenities
Offers an unrivaled combination of comfort, luxury, and convenience for those passengers seeking a one-of-a-kind experience
The Gulfstream V flies at higher altitudes than other jets, providing a smoother and more comfortable ride
Fully equipped galley, spacious showers and bathrooms, and advanced entertainment systems
Advanced avionics and safety features make the Gulfstream V is one of the safest private jets in the world